10.4. რომელი ფუნქციები გამოიყენება ნორმალური განაწილებისთვის Google Sheets-ში?

Google Sheets გთავაზობს რამდენიმე მოსახერხებელ ფუნქციას იმ ამოცანების ამოსახსნელად, სადაც ნორმალური განაწილების მქონე შემთხვევითი ცვლადი მონაწილეობს. პირველ რიგში, იმ ალბათობის დასათვლელად, რომ ნორმალურად განაწილებული ცვლადი ნაკლებია რაიმე რიცხვზე, გამოიყენება NORM.DIST (ან NORMDIST) ფუნქცია: სადაც x რაიმე რიცხვითი მნიშვნელობაა, mean – მოცემული ცვლადის საშუალო, standard_deviation – ცვლადის სტანდარტული გადახრა, ხოლო cumulative კი მიუთითებს კუმულატიური ალბათობა გვაინტერესებს […]
ICT Industry Outlook Conference 2022

Dr. Wonkyu Shin, a researcher at the Institute of Economics and Business, was invited as a speaker at the ICT Industry Outlook Conference 2022 held on November 4-5, 2021. The event is annually organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) of South Korea and gathers well-known speakers worldwide to prospect industrial changes and […]
ICT Industry Outlook Conference 2022, South Korea, 2021

ICT Industry Outlook Conference gathers well-known speakers worldwide to prospect industrial changes and dynamics in ICT (Information and Communication, Technology) and is annually organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT (MSIT) of South Korea. Dr. Wonkyu Shin, a researcher at the Institute of Economics and Business, was invited as a speaker at the conference […]
CONNECT Project: Registration for the 2nd Edition of the First Course “DIGITAL TEACHING IN UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT”

We are pleased to announce the registration for the 2nd edition of the first course “DIGITAL TEACHING IN UNIVERSITY ENVIRONMENT”, within the framework of the project „Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia”, Reference number: 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Register at: https://digital-teaching-in-university-environment.mailchimpsites.com/ Start: 31 January 2022 Duration: over 4 […]
CONNECT Project Management Meeting, Armenia

CONNECT 2021-2024 Connecting Universities-Industry through Smart Entrepreneurial Cooperation and Competitive Intelligence of Students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia In the period 07-13.11.2021, a meeting of the consortium members took place within the framework of the project „Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia (CONNECT)”, co-funded by […]
(ინგლ. parameter): პოპულაციის რაიმე რიცხვითი მახასიათებელი.
(ინგლ. statistics): არის მეცნიერება, რომელიც შეისწავლის მონაცემების შეგროვების, წარმოდგენის, ანალიზისა და ახსნის წესებს.
CONNECT Project: The Sixth Online Meeting

On August 26, 2021, was held the sixth online meeting within the framework of the project “Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia /CONNECT”, reference number: 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Representatives of all consortium partners discussed Management, Quality assurance, Dissemination handbooks; the upcoming training courses that will be delivered […]
New Perspectives on Structural Change: Causes and Consequences of Structural Change in the Global Economy

Dr. Wonkyu Shin, a researcher in the Institute of Economics and Business at Ilia State University, contributed to the book titled “New Perspectives on Structural Change: Causes and Consequences of Structural Change in the Global Economy (Oxford Univ. Press)” released early 2021. This comprehensive edited volume includes up-to-date articles on the role of structural change […]
CONNECT Project: Management Online Meeting

On July 2nd, 2021, was held the management online meeting within the framework of the project “Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia /CONNECT”, reference number: 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Representatives of all organizations from Eastern partnership countries (Moldova, Armenia and Georgia) discussed integrated report of funding – evaluation […]