Within the Connect project, the second Study-visit took place from 4th of April to 9th of April , 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Bondo Gasviani participated in the meeting on behalf of Ilia State University.
The thematic of the visit was “Elements of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems”. Host Partner of the visit was Anthology Management.
During the entire study-visit, the participants got acquainted with:
- How CoWorking Creates Community Tour and Interview with Luba – Soho Founder;
- Startup founders’ roundtable: Kiril Genov, Yordan Yordanov, Worddio Panagiotis Katsaounis, Metab.io;
- The Basics of Angel Investment Elena Nikoleva, CEOAngels Club;
- Masterclass:
- Problem Sizing
- Framing the Problem
- Sizing the Market (TAM, SAM, SOM)
- Customer Discovery, Profiling Anthology Management
- Mapping your entrepreneurial ecosystem
- Financial Planning Anthology Management
- Workshop: Storytelling, Pitching Anthology Management
- The Basics of the Patent Process Mr. Yiannis Skoulikaris, CEO PatentMind Netherlands, former Director, European Patent Office.
Site Visits and Presentations took place around Sofia:
- Tour of the University of National World Economy;
- Presentation: Innovation in Tourism Hosted by Prof. Svetoslav Kaleychev;
- Puzzle Co-Working Facility: A tour of Puzzle, one of the largest co-working places in Sofia, home to VCs, startups, and freelancers;
- University of Sofia Academic Exchange:
- Roundtable on Best Creative Practices in Academic Entrepreneurship Hosted by Prof. Todor Yalamov Vice Dean Research and Innovation Faculty of Economics and Business Administration;
These experiences are valuable for the members of the consortium, or one of the directions on which they work in CONNECT Project.
The experience and knowledge gained during the study-visit will form the basis of joint report of findings.
The CONNECT project is implemented with the support of the EU within the framework of the Erasmus+ program and is a continuation of the SMART project “Fostering University-Enterprise Cooperation and Entrepreneurship of Students via Smart Caffes” 585620-EPP-1- 2017-1-ELEPPKA2-CBHE-JP