CONNECT 2021-2024
Connecting Universities-Industry through Smart Entrepreneurial Cooperation and Competitive Intelligence of Students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia
In the period 07-13.11.2021, a meeting of the consortium members took place within the framework of the project „Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia (CONNECT)”, co-funded by the EU under the Erasmus+ program. The event was organized by Brusov State University in Yerevan, Armenia.
The meeting was attended by members from both the European region and the Eastern Partnership countries.
European Union
LUT University from Finland
Management Anthology from Bulgaria
National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale” from Romania
RISEBA University of Applied Sciences from Latvia
Republic of Moldova
Moldova State University – Project Coordinator
State Agrarian University of Moldova
Technical University of Moldova
“Alecu Russo” Balti State University
Association for supporting innovations and sustainable development ”IMPULS”
Republic of Armenia
Brusov State University
Vanadzor State University
Republic of Georgia
Ilya State University
Shota Rustaveli University of Theater and Cinema
All universities made presentations in which their activities and the synergy or connection of the project with other projects implemented by each of the project partners were presented.
The meeting was led by the Coordinator of the consortium, Mrs. Elena SIMCIUC, with the support of Mrs. Vice-Rector Aurelia HANGANU.
The project Coordinator, Mrs. Elena SIMCIUC, presented the goals, activities, responsibilities and work tasks for all work packages of the project.
Special attention was paid to Work Packages 5, 6 and 7: Quality Control, Project Management and Financial Management.
During the meeting, a number of study visits were also conducted to business centers and incubators, IT companies to benefit from the relationship between entrepreneurship and the university, namely:
AGRI-TECH, Incubator of the National Agrarian University of Armenia.
Union of Information Technology and Communications Enterprises.
Cooperation Center in Dilijan.
Vanadzor Technological Center.
The CONNECT project is implemented with the support of the EU within the framework of the Erasmus+ program and is a continuation of the SMART project “Fostering University-Enterprise Cooperation and Entrepreneurship of Students via Smart Caffes” 585620-EPP-1- 2017-1-ELEPPKA2-CBHE-JP