The Science Policy Research Institute (SPRi)* invited Dr. Wonkyu Shin, a researcher at Institute of Economics and Business, to the 2022 SPRi Spring Conference under the timely theme of the global economy, “Clash of Global Blocs and the Future of Digitalization.” At the conference, Dr. Wonkyu Shin delivered his message on the current challenge of the multilateral global trade and innovation system and how it has evolved since the war between Ukraine and Russia began. Prior to the war, MNCs and their global value chains started to underplay during the trade war between USA and China, which escalated into more technological hegemony. Now, the world economy has stood at the edge of the collapse of global cooperation in trade and investment-related rules (GVCs: Global Value Chains) due to the war; the decoupling by blocs between the economies according to their political and security agenda has more evident.
*SPRi: A leading think tank devoted to technology and digital transformation established by the Ministry of Science, ICT, South Korea.
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