CONNECT Project: The Fifth Online Meeting

On May 28th, 2021, was held the fifth online meeting within the framework of the project “Connecting universities-industry through smart entrepreneurial cooperation and competitive intelligence of students in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia /CONNECT”, reference number: 617393-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.

All consortium partners discussed:

  • Evaluation survey for students, academic staff, entrepreneurs. Collected and analyzed results represent first part of 3 of the integrated report of funding. One country representative presented their surveys and the collected results.
  • Training courses. Each European partner presented the content for its training session with the timing for each lecture, homework tasks and evaluation of the Eastern Partnership countries teaching staff.
  • Management handbook. The first draft of the management handbook was presented. Also, partners discussed how to fill in the timesheets and joint declarations, including all relevant documents that should be submitted by the partners each time they intend to pay the salary from the sources of the CONNECT project. Partners received.
  • Quality assurance handbook. The draft of the handbook was presented by Partner 4.
  • Dissemination activities and visual identity aspects. Partners discussed the essential elements that must be included in any type of outcomes such as for example surveys, reports, and publications etc. A specific table regarding the dissemination activities was presented and should be filled in by each partner.
  • Equipment and Smart Caffe arrangement. Equipment must be instrumental to the objectives of the project and should therefore be purchased as soon as possible in order to be used during the project. The equipment must be recorded in the inventory of the institution where it is installed; this institution is the sole owner of the equipment. All equipment purchased with the Erasmus+ CBHE funds must bear an Erasmus+ sticker to be printed or bought by the beneficiaries.

The project is funded by the European Commission – Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture – within the Erasmus+ programme.