CONNECT Project: Signing of All Partnership Agreements

On the 27 of May was signed all partnership agreements with consortium partners from Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, Latvia, Armenia, Georgia and Moldova. All together there are 15 consortium partners which continue the creation of innovative ecosystem in Eastern Partnership Countries launced through the project also supported by the European Commision “Fostering University-Enterprise Cooperation and Entrepreneurship of Students via Smart Caffes (SMART)” nr. 585620-EPP-1- 2017-1-ELEPPKA2-CBHE-JP.

Thanks to CONNECT project the Network of Smart Caffe will be in continuation fostered and enlarged. Network of Smart Caffe supports the development of an innovative entrepreneurial culture among youth in Eastern Partnership Countries and fosters ties between academic sector and business sector thought open innovations.

Moreover, CONNECT project is a real answer to the current pandemic issues affecting both the educational process and business development.